My Command Center: July 2017

Recently I’ve been so excited about these new projects called “Command Centers” that are popping up all over Pintrest, and all over my creative feeds. So like a lot of people I created a Pintrest board, and started to collect ideas. It wasn’t until one morning after my bedroom was painted that I decided I could use a version of this myself, but not exactly how all of these are used.


I had an extra corkboard laying around so I pulled that out to start with and then started to look at what I wanted to keep track of and what I wanted to see everyday. I came up with these things:

A Monthly Overview

IMG_0341.JPGI really wanted to see my month at a glance so that I knew when and where I was traveling, when I wanted projects done, birthdays coming up, and so on. I use this a lot because I talk on my phone in my room so that’s always where I am when I’m trying to make plans so this is really helpful for me. I also keep next month’s calendar up so that I an sort of plan ahead. I don’t plan much more than a month in advance so I only keep the next month posted.

A Weekly Calendar

When I first put up my Command Center I wanted a weekly calendar up so that I could see my To Do list and my plans for the week. I really wanted to see what was in my planner on my wall, so I actually found these printables on the Scattered Squirrel Blog, and I tried a few out to find the best one for me.

IMG_0338A Fitness Section

I’ve been on a health kick – sort of – thing recently and I really wanted a place to track what my workouts were, how often I did them, my measurements, and my goals. Seeing them every day when I wake up reminds me what I want to do, where I want to be, and how to do it so it’s more likely that I’ll do it. I found this printable kit on and I’ve found that I absolutely love it. It’s easy to fill out, keep up with, and read on a daily basis so that I’m much more likely to do what I’ve written down.


IMG_0342So after printing everything out an organizing it on the board I ended up really happy with it, but I found that over time it sort of changed. The first week I didn’t update my weekly page, and I found that working out of a bullet journal was easier for me and more effective. So, that was taken down. I also took down the current weight because it fluctuates a pound almost every day and it was just too annoying to keep up.

In the future I plan on putting up the latest Blogilates Calander. I plan on using Blogilates as my main workout program because when I was working out two-ish years ago it was my absolute favorite thing to do and I had so much fun with it. I also want to put up positive notes from friends, and a depression tracker that I found on the blog Writes Like A Girl. I want to get a better grip on my depression and anxiety, and I want to see that more on my Command Center.

This Command Center will change when I move out, and might even change more before I move, so look out for more updates and changes!

What would you put in your command center? Tell me in the comments below!

See you soon,
