My Summer Goals

Although Summer started a few weeks ago I still wanted to share my top 5 goals for this summer. It started out as a much much much longer list, but due to some mental illness difficulties I have to cut it down. So since I’m looking at it I wanted to share it with all of you.

I want to see the stars

I’ve lived in the suburbs all of my life, and although I really do like living where I do I don’t get to see the stars… at all. Honestly I’ve never been in a situation where I can really see the stars without excess light or trees not covering them up. It wasn’t until a few months ago where my friend (now boyfriend) was waiting for me outside his apartment building that I really decided I did want to see the stars. He was telling me how he missed the stars, and what he missed about where he grew up. He was telling me about the stars, and now I really want to see the stars like he used to.

I want to improve my health

My physical and mental health have both taken a toll lately, and I want to do better with that this summer. I’m making plans right now but starting soon I’m really going to be hitting it hard with exercising, eating healthy, and working on my mental health. None of this will be easy and really I’m in it for the long haul, but you have to start somewhere and I don’t want to go down any farther so I wanna try going up.

Take More Photos

If you haven’t been following my Instagram for a while you might not know that the amount of pictures that I take and post has gone down. I want to do more of this because photography is something that I truly love to do. So I want to take and post more pictures as a way to document my days, interact with the world outside my house, and express myself more creatively. (If you have any photo ideas let me know!)

Read and Write More

The worst thing about college for me was that I wasn’t reading or writing for personal pleasure. So since graduating I’ve read two books and I want to start writing again. Although I didn’t do this a ton in high school, and these have both been things that I do when I have little to do I want these to be things that I do more often. I really do enjoy doing these, so I want to get back into it.

Smile More

This one is sort of my catch all. I want to do more things that make myself and others smile. Things that help others to enjoy their lives and just spread a little more joy in the world.

For the rest of the summer I will be vlogging some/most of these adventures, so remember to follow my blog and check up on my social media pages (@happysmiles159) for updates and stories!

What are your goals this summer?

See you soon,


My Command Center: July 2017

Recently I’ve been so excited about these new projects called “Command Centers” that are popping up all over Pintrest, and all over my creative feeds. So like a lot of people I created a Pintrest board, and started to collect ideas. It wasn’t until one morning after my bedroom was painted that I decided I could use a version of this myself, but not exactly how all of these are used.


I had an extra corkboard laying around so I pulled that out to start with and then started to look at what I wanted to keep track of and what I wanted to see everyday. I came up with these things:

A Monthly Overview

IMG_0341.JPGI really wanted to see my month at a glance so that I knew when and where I was traveling, when I wanted projects done, birthdays coming up, and so on. I use this a lot because I talk on my phone in my room so that’s always where I am when I’m trying to make plans so this is really helpful for me. I also keep next month’s calendar up so that I an sort of plan ahead. I don’t plan much more than a month in advance so I only keep the next month posted.

A Weekly Calendar

When I first put up my Command Center I wanted a weekly calendar up so that I could see my To Do list and my plans for the week. I really wanted to see what was in my planner on my wall, so I actually found these printables on the Scattered Squirrel Blog, and I tried a few out to find the best one for me.

IMG_0338A Fitness Section

I’ve been on a health kick – sort of – thing recently and I really wanted a place to track what my workouts were, how often I did them, my measurements, and my goals. Seeing them every day when I wake up reminds me what I want to do, where I want to be, and how to do it so it’s more likely that I’ll do it. I found this printable kit on and I’ve found that I absolutely love it. It’s easy to fill out, keep up with, and read on a daily basis so that I’m much more likely to do what I’ve written down.


IMG_0342So after printing everything out an organizing it on the board I ended up really happy with it, but I found that over time it sort of changed. The first week I didn’t update my weekly page, and I found that working out of a bullet journal was easier for me and more effective. So, that was taken down. I also took down the current weight because it fluctuates a pound almost every day and it was just too annoying to keep up.

In the future I plan on putting up the latest Blogilates Calander. I plan on using Blogilates as my main workout program because when I was working out two-ish years ago it was my absolute favorite thing to do and I had so much fun with it. I also want to put up positive notes from friends, and a depression tracker that I found on the blog Writes Like A Girl. I want to get a better grip on my depression and anxiety, and I want to see that more on my Command Center.

This Command Center will change when I move out, and might even change more before I move, so look out for more updates and changes!

What would you put in your command center? Tell me in the comments below!

See you soon,
